oh rambut oh rambut

yeahhhhhhhhhhhhh ! rambut sudah panjang mari , i cut the hair since 1 years ago i found that , my hair is kinda lambat tumbuh ! erghhhh nak panjang mcm hasegawa jun !
jeng jeng jeng , the hair i getting longer :)

tak panjang mana pun , tapi atleast i can see the difrence rambut i dgn yang dulu :) much longer and billowy . ahahha ,

but but but , people keep asking why my hair is just like curly at the bottom ? FYI peoples , i tak buat perm and treatment rambut ke ape ke , its born naturally sbb habit aku yang suka buat bun yang ala ala ibu lepas giving birth tu . HAHA , tapi bukan amik direct from that , hair bun i addapted to korea people . smart doh :)