last wednesday, i head to taman mawar cc and spent a time there for a few of hours . like usual , smell a asap rokok even in bulan puasa ! there are some guys that have no shame smoke at the cc . gile lah , mmg tak tahu malu those guys . so , the smell stick on my wardrobe tha i wear . geram , but , what realy cannot tahan is , a sudenly one of those guy sit a right to me and main the pc . he's realy muka bengis . a realy dark skin , smell very badly ! . so what crossed in my mind is , he must a gigger . a black metal music fancies that lepak-ing around . he must have a band , everyweak he ll go to jam . jamming around and chase out the hot chic . go to jalan seget and negative think cross my mind . ahh (how tak baik )but , his ringtone change mymind . i heard a song by ayumi hamasaki . do you know ayumi hamasaki ? her litlle cutie voice yg mcm budak kecik . and my mom call , Darling by eyes set to kill , one of the known hardcore bnd comes out . ahhh , kita tertuka identiti lah ! u should amik lagu darling tu , i patut amik lagu ayumi hamsaki :) lmouu